Entry 0 - Hello World!

At 1:00 AM, my alarm went off. There were 59 minutes until GoedWare 21's theme would be announced - 21 minutes to showtime. I made my coffee, sat down at my computer, and got ready.

My preparation started earlier than that, though. Game Jams are a serious business, and I wanted to be prepared. I did not want a repeat of my last game jam experience (long story).

I did 2 things to prepare for this jam.

1. I wrote a clear message to the GoedWare server about putting a team together more than 24 hours before the Jam started. The earlier you can start putting a team together, the better off your team will be, and the less stressed out you'll be.

2. For each of the 5 possible themes, I came up with some ideas. I thought about what they might mean (some themes are really vague, and deciphering them is step #1). I thought about what kind of stuff my game would have to have for each theme, and then I came up with some rough ideas for how to put that stuff into a working game.

What happened in my last game jam? What ideas did I have? Perhaps I'll share after I've caught up on my sleep.

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