Entry 2 - Day 2 Complete

Today was a big day. We have a design and a map, and some basic functionality has been implemented.

It ain't much, but it's honest work.

First of all, we have a player that moves. That's always a great start, although sometimes one gets stuck there. Luckily, I started with a design, so I did have an idea for what would come next.


That's right, it's a Metroidvania, it's gotta have rooms that the player travels between. I did this with Doors, that take the player from one Scene to another using a Game Manager Singleton. Not so hard, right?

I fleshed out some more things with the character and the rooms. I added a Cinemachine camera, and a "look indicator." That's for a very special (& secret) mechanic.

Then came the Enemies, and that's what took up the rest of the day. Creating a state machine and having them chase the player wasn't so hard, but then I figured they'd need pathfinding. My own pathfinding algorithm, specifically.

The basic enemy logic

The States
The Pathfinding, Visualize

I've been filming my experience so far to make a video DevLog, but I haven't really found the time to edit anything.

If you're interested in learning A* Pathfinding for Unity in a way that actually explains the Algorithm, check out Sebastian Lague's playlist. You can write your own A* algorithm, following him, in 1-2 hours. You can keep watching, though, and he goes into some very cool and advanced stuff (which I didn't have the time to watch, unfortunately).

Link to Playlist

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